Flying Into Meditation
We are in for a rare treat: visiting with us this month will be Shanee Habari, a musician, therapist, Tibetan Singing Bowl specialist and a Shiatsu practitioner.
Shanee designed a unique workshop we will all have an unexpected pleasure in taking part of. This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity.
The Flying Into Meditation workshop begins with an introduction into, and the experiencing of, therapeutic flying. We will experience partner stretching, breathing, gentle movements and a host of dynamic movements, carefully designed to fit all levels of yoga practitioners.
Therapeutic flying is, in its essence, a healing art practice. Bases (givers) will guide the flyers (receivers) into their respective position on their feet, maneuvering the flyers through several passive assisted stretches and massages using gravity. The Flyers are mostly passive as they learn to let go of body tension. For Bases, the practice provides a therapeutic opportunity as they learn to relax and put trust in the technique. Their hamstrings open up and provide for a wonderful stretch. The practice further strengthen the Bases' entire legs, core, shoulders and arms, improves stability and balance stemming from the core. The exercises nourish attentiveness, allowing it to reach new levels as one learns to listen not only with the ears, but also with hands, feet and the entire body. The participant becomes an expression of unconditional love and a symbol of balance; balance between strength and softness. This practice provides an opportunity for positive and healthy contact, helping in the cultivation of a more open and compassionate communication towards and between each other.
The second part of the workshop leads us to the relaxing sound of meditation. Lying down in Shavasana, focusing on our breath, we will open ourselves and listen to the sounds of Shanee's special Tibetan bowls which will be played while placed on distinctive points along the participants body. Each participant will experience firsthand the extraordinary world of music as the deep vibration resonating through our body. The singing bowls produce sounds that invoke a deep state of relaxation, one that naturally assists in entering a state of meditation. Once in total relaxation, one can reach an elevated state of mind, one that allows observation of the connection between mind, body and soul. It is the most incredible way of concluding a dynamic yoga session.
The event is open to all. No previous experience required. No need to bring anything. Shanee is offering this unique workshop, typically priced at $50, at a mere $15pp as a special tribute to our studio. Advance registration is required in order to assure place but you can also pay $20 at the door, pending space availability.