Tai Chi / Qigong Benfits

Among the many legends and myths about the birth and spread of Tai Chi, there is one about an old Tai Chi master, who, at deathbed, called his three sons and inquired with each what have they learned about the art of Tai Chi. “It is quite straight forward,” said the first son. “Tai Chi is purely a martial art. The moves are derived from animals fighting and the forms are devised with the idea of ‘no enemy, a thousand enemies, a thousand enemies, no enemy’(*).” “Very good,” replied the father and sent him on his way. The second son, when queried about the purpose of Tai Chi, answered “Tai Chi is a healing art. It mobilizes the Qi in the body so balance can be restored, both mental and physical. When Qi flows freely in the body – without any blockages, disease finds no home.” “Very good,” replied the father, and sent him on his way. The third son said “Tai Chi is the path of the spiritual seeker. It is the embodiment of The Way. Through the practice one can elevate himself above the body, and find abode between heaven and earth.” “Very good,” stated the father, “now that I know the three of you together preserve the spirit of Tai Chi, I can pass on.”

For some practitioners Tai Chi is a martial art and as such it is graceful, yet can also be deadly. For some Tai Chi is a healing art, and for others it is a spiritual path. Then again, for some it is any combination of the above. The practice of Tai Chi and Qigong is all encompassing.

(*) as a martial art, when practicing any of the Tai Chi forms, the approach taken is that though facing no enemy, the practitioner, commonly referred to as player in Tai Chi, imagines he/she are facing a thousand enemies, so when time may come and the player may face a thousand enemies, he/she will feel as if they face no enemy.

Benefits Testified by Studio Participants

Highly Recommended!

I started Tai Chi last June, basically out of curiosity. I knew very little about Tai Chi, only that it was what Patrick Swayze was doing by the lake in the movie 'Roadhouse'. It is beautiful to watch, but, I've learned that it's so much more! I enjoy learning the martial art aspect of each and every move and I enjoy learning about the flow of chi - energy - through one's body. I also haven't had a bout of carpal tunnel syndrome since I started Tai Chi and Qiqong. I've suffered with carpal tunnel in both wrists for many years and I've been pain free now for over 6 months!! A definite confirmation of positive health benefits!

--Lisa Silk, Dec 2010


Crohn's and Music

My purpose in joining tai chi was just about the same as yoga, to explore the mind/body connection and experience the meditative practices.  As a person with Crohn’s disease my doctors have stressed how the mind plays an important role in controlling the condition.  Having done a great deal of research into the benefits of martial arts I determined that tai chi offered the best practice for my goals.  Finding Ronen’s studio, found the path I needed.  When I feel something happening in the body I employ some of the technique’s that Ronen has taught the class.  They have helped a great deal and have helped me maintain a healthy state.  This is not an easy feat with Crohn’s.  But, I have experienced it here.

A second unexpected benefit was with my music.  I play bass guitar and guitar in a band where much of our repertoire consists of rocking numbers.  This requires nimble fingers to move around the fret board.  I have noticed my fingers being much looser but a recent practice proved the benefits.  Prior to the start I warmed up with “shaking the ox tail” and “rubber fingers.”  We played a new song, a real rocker that required fast work and a two complicated bass solos.  It posed no issue with flexibility due, I am certain, to tai chi.  I certainly recommend tai chi to all my fellow guitarists out there.

--John Fontana, Dec 2010


Constantly Evolving

With over 20 years of playing Tai Chi and Qigong, what strikes me as the greatest benefit of the practice is the constant learning, made of small, non-linear, insights; insights that are mostly beyond words. This statement does not come in an attempt to make it sound more mystical than it is, but rather because these insights come out of a personal experience that can only be, well, personally experienced… A humble attempt to describe some of these insights includes the understanding how everything in the body connects, how slowing down makes the “now” experience incredibly stronger, what grounding really means, and of course, the amazing flow of Qi – energy – in and around the body. These can only be experienced. Then comes what I take from the practice into the rest of my day – the understanding that the flow of Tai Chi is the flow of life. There is also the understanding that I am just a beginner, that I will always be a beginner, that I want to always remain a beginner as a beginner’s set of mind is the only one that allows for learning to happen.

--Ronen Divon, Dec 2010

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